Friday, October 27, 2006


BKA / EKA Payments Due

Payments to the BKA for civil liability insurance are now overdue. Team registration fees to the EKA are now due.

Most Clubs and Areas have now paid their civil liability insurance premiums due to the BKA. For those that have not, please send a cheque (made payable to the BKA) immediately to David Hubbard, BKA Finance Officer, 3 Mill Lane, Bluebell Hill, Chatham, Kent ME5 9RB. Premiums are as follows.

For Areas, and Clubs with more than one team - £120.00.

For Clubs with one team - £72.00.

Registration fees are also due from Clubs - payable to the relevant National Association. English Clubs are requested to send cheques (made payable to the EKA) to David Hubbard, EKA Finance Officer, 3 Mill Lane, Bluebell Hill, Chatham, Kent ME5 9RB.

Please click here for a copy of the form in pdf format.


National Championships for U16s

Please find attached the invitation to the National Championships for Under 16 Teams.

This is the preliminary round with the top two teams moving to the finals on 29th April 2007.

Invitation - downloadable in pdf format.

Frank Sieber - BKA Youth Competitions Co-ordinator

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